Inner Compass – Shalini Sareen – Life & Executive Coach


Life is 10 per cent what happens to you and 90 per cent of how you respond to it and when you take responsibility for creating your experience from the inside out, you reclaim your position as the creator of your life.

If thought was the film of a movie, consciousness or awareness would be the screen that lets us experience it, and the projector would be the mind. The nature of thoughts is that it will settle down if we allow it; the nature of both consciousness and mind is clarity. So, if we let the mind that has an innate intelligence and infinite creative potential be, by letting the thoughts settle down, we realize that we don’t have to control our thinking but create space for innate intelligence to come in and guide us.

Energy + Consciousness + Thought = Creation

Ever wonder about growing inside out?

It all begins with awareness. By being aware of our breath, mind, thoughts and emotions, we tend to develop a heightened awareness of ourselves. This state of being helps us to see things as they are and to choose that one specific task to focus on that will create the maximum impact. Where attention goes, energy flows. While keeping a fierce focus on where you want to go, parallel awareness and reflection needs to be practiced and cultivated.

Growing from inside out is all about focusing on progress and not perfection. It is not about external comparisons but about creating your own path. It’s about digging just a little bit deeper within, every day, to becoming better than who you were yesterday. This brings you closer to the person you are meant to be. Seeking perfection is one dimensional, unrealistic and limiting. Progress, on the other hand, is human, courageous, engaging, liberating boundless and an inward journey.


Sustainable change or transformation takes place at the sub conscious mind.

95% of our lives are determined by the motivations of the sub conscious mind.

This is the reason why inspiring movies, books, quotes or stories that we love, fails to create a sustainable change in our lives. This is because all the thinking and learning is happening at the level of the conscious mind. Which although creative, drives only 5-10% of our behaviour.

The sub conscious mind learns in the following three ways:

  1. Programming that happens in the first seven years of a child.
  2. Repetition or habits.
  3. Belief modification programs.

For any transformation to happen, forming habits and repetition is the easiest and effective way to make progress.

Ever wonder about achieving balance from within?

Every role that we carry out at work requires a prerequisite mindset. Every role at home requires a combination of a certain quality of heart-set as well as mindset.
The demands of dealing with different roles can cause us to lose our internal balance thereby causing us to see inaccurately. This can sometimes cause us to incorrectly communicate and behave, leading to an undesirable pattern of thought, action or behaviour. A similar undesirable pattern can also occur despite knowing what needs to be done due to lack of time taken to reflect or due to lack of self-awareness, which invariably ends up either as overindulging and overdoing in some while underplaying in other areas.

Balance within is a prerequisite to balancing roles and our ability to meet multiple and conflicting demands on our time, money and efforts. It helps us to see accurately, so that we can do what needs to be done and set correct priorities. If we see differently, we can do differently. Balance gives clarity and can be attained with stillness and calmness. This process of regaining balance can be compared to changing gears. Every time, you need to change gears, you first need to be bring it to a neutral position. In fact, we might need to access our neutral position, multiple times in a day. This daily practice helps to attain a pause, reflect, become self-aware and regain our balance.

Every company is first a human company and then a technology company, no matter what product or service it provides. The companies that embrace this fact are the ones that shape our world.
- Shalini Sareen

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Ever wonder how the internal world can influence our external world; “AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT”:

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