Inner Compass – Shalini Sareen – Life & Executive Coach

It is always a good idea to take time out for self reflection, every now and then, to understand how you are doing in terms of your mental health.
While reflecting one needs to notice the positive and acknowledge the areas where one is thriving while working on the areas that require improvement.

Maybe you are doing better at being honest to yourself about how you feel.
Maybe you are doing good at holding your boundaries.
Maybe you are communicating better in your significant relationship.
Maybe you are being able to take time out for yourself.
Or simply maybe you are being intentional about expressing gratitude.

The five things that you can do to improve your mental health are firstly, adopting and sticking to a single form of exercise from various available forms such as yoga, gym, Tai chi and so on and consistently practicing it on a daily basis, followed by establishing a sleep routine, eating intentionally, spending time in nature and expressing gratitude. It is often quoted that mental health is about the journey than the destination. The decision we make daily are as important as the big choices we make periodically.

Please note that the mind needs to be calm in order to stay healthy. For the mind to stay calm:

1. Learn how to say ‘NO’;

2. Be self aware and recognize negative thoughts;

3. Mantra Chanting, Mindfulness or simply doing something that makes the mind happy;          

4. Stop comparing;

5. Let go of control and free your gifts;

6. Spend time with people who love you;

7. Take care of self: body mind and emotions;

8. Observe Silence and take periodic breaks;

9. Be grateful;

10. Have the courage to speak your truth respectfully.