Inner Compass – Shalini Sareen – Life & Executive Coach

Highly Sensitive Person is someone who gets easily affected by other people’s mood and often gets overwhelmed when too much is going on at once, externally or in their own mind. This person needs extra downtime to recuperate from the exhaustion they feel after the sensory overload experienced by them.

Find Out if You a Highly Sensitive Person?

1. Other people’s mood affects you deeply;
2. You try hard to avoid making mistakes and may seek reassurance as a result;
3. You get easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input;
4. You get startled easily;
5. You consider yourself conscientious (i.e. trying to do what is right; responsible);
6. You feel overwhelmed and annoyed when there is a lot going on at once;
7. In busy environments you often feel the need to withdraw to get some downtime and relief from-feeling over-stimulated;
8. You actively avoid anything violent or cruel on media because of how it affects you;
9. You have a hard time handling changes.

It’s tough being a highly sensitive person but they have their strengths too. Here’s a list of 7 Strengths of a Highly Sensitive Person and how they bring beauty and richness to their friend’s, families and communities:

1. You are naturally more empathic and caring to the needs of other people;

2. You are trusted by your peers and colleagues because of your honesty and high conscientiousness;

3. You notice little details that other people might miss in their environment, which leads those around you to feel seen and understood;

4. You are very creative and can appreciate the art and beauty around you at a deep level;

5. You have more insight into your own mental and emotional processes because of your natural tendency to be introspective;

6. You feel more connected to the world around you which is so beautiful. It helps with being more mindful in general;

7. You feel positive emotions more deeply (such as happiness, pride and gratitude).

Source: Nawal Mustafa M.A