Inner Compass – Shalini Sareen – Life & Executive Coach

4 Leadership Lessons From Taoism

I personally love reading different philosophies and taking lessons from each one of them and applying it to leadership, at […]

When You Take Someone For Granted

The very definition of taking someone for granted is assuming that the person will always stick around, regardless of whether […]

Ego Soul Dynamics

The EgoYour ego is a field of conscious awareness that identifies with your physical body. Because the ego identifies with […]

Parental Bonding

There’s a huge connection between the bonding that parents create with children and the deep connect that a child forms […]

How To Upgrade The Brain

The neuroplastic nature of the brain means that our potential is not set at birth- we can actually strengthen and […]

The Power Of Inquiry

We inquire when we are curious, and we are curious when we care. We inquire when we observe ourselves, when […]