Are you feeling lost in your career❓
Here are 19 steps to reinvent yourself
1. Embrace your uniqueness: there is only One you.
2. Discover your superpowers: Your passion + Your skills.
3. Dedicate 30min a day to intentional thinking.
4. Set a vision for change: visualize the finish line
5. Reverse-engineer: start with the end-goal in mind
6. Speak a positive & affirmative language
7. Develop a tomorrow mindset: remove the anchors
8. Dedicate the 10% of your time to reinvent yourself
9. Create your value proposition
10. Fight the imposter syndrome
11. Use rejection as fuel for success
12. Build in public to create accountability
13. Build your personal brand
14. Invest in a digital ecosystem
15. Build your network: network = networth
16. Develop an abundance mindset: think win-win
17. Charge your first dollar
18. Be your own ambassador & biggest supporter.
19. Become the most positive person in the room.
And Remember that Change is incremental 📈